Pim Blokker
The one for Brazil, 2023
oil on canvas
óleo sobre tela
óleo sobre tela
120 x 100 cm
47 1/4 x 39 3/8 in
47 1/4 x 39 3/8 in
Commissioned for Linhas Tortas, this work displays a distinct airiness and expansiveness. The brushwork carries an unhurried sophistication, evocative of the buoyant spirit found in paintings from the 1950s. Blokker's...
Commissioned for Linhas Tortas, this work displays a distinct airiness and expansiveness. The brushwork carries an unhurried sophistication, evocative of the buoyant spirit found in paintings from the 1950s. Blokker's profound understanding of art history's cornerstones allows him to combine decorative and almost camp imagery seamlessly.