Runo Lagomarsino
Pierced by a ray of sunlight: and suddenly it’s evening, 2014-2015
perfored 1 real coins and metal rods (12 coins, 12 rods)
moedas de 1 real perfuradas e haste de metal (12 moedas, 12 hastes)
moedas de 1 real perfuradas e haste de metal (12 moedas, 12 hastes)
1.62 x 2.5 cm (cada haste + moeda)
5/8 x 1 in (each rods + coins)
5/8 x 1 in (each rods + coins)
Titulo en ingles: Pierced by a ray of sunlight: and suddenly it’s evening
Titulo en ingles: Pierced by a ray of sunlight: and suddenly it’s evening