Heidi Bucher
Title unknown (Door Villa Bleuler), 1991
caoutchouc skin and gauze on canvas
pele de caucho e gaze sobre tela
pele de caucho e gaze sobre tela
274 x 154 cm (approx.)
107.9 x 60.6 in (approx.)
107.9 x 60.6 in (approx.)
We paste the rooms and then listen. We observe the surface and coat it. We wrap and unwrap. The lived, the past, becomes entangled in the cloth and remains fixed...
We paste the rooms and then listen. We observe the surface and coat it. We wrap and unwrap. The lived, the past, becomes entangled in the cloth and remains fixed there. Slowly we loosen the layers of rubber, the skin, and drag yesterday into today.
– Heidi Bucher
– Heidi Bucher