Publisher: Ecole Nat.sup.des Beaux-Arts
ISBN: 9728-2-84056-888-9
Dimensions: 24 x 17 cm
This publication serves as the catalog for Julien Creuzet's exhibition at the France Pavilion of the Venice Biennale. It compiles a series of conversations between the artist and prominent figures, including Minister of Culture Rima Abdul-Malak, curators Céline Kopp and Cindy Sissokho, art historian Donatien Grau, and various art critics. The collection offers a range of texts from writers, poets, philosophers, and art critics, exploring key themes such as ecology, postcolonialism, insularity, and poetry. With over 300 illustrations, the work showcases the artist’s drawings, artworks, photographs, and video clips that engage with these themes. The texts are available in both French and English, with excerpts in Spanish and Portuguese translated into both languages.