Búfala e Senhora das Plantas

Rosana Paulino, 2020
Soft cover bound with a fabric jacket / special edition handmade fabric box

Published by Familia Editions

22,5 x 28,5 cm

This artist's book emerges from the dialogue between the artist Rosana Paulino and the editor Maria Lago regarding the significance of drawing and its reproduction in special projects, where the value of drawing is treated as an artwork, not just as a process. The language, in this case, is composed through the integration of watercolor and pencil drawing techniques. The series "Búfala" and "Senhora das plantas," created separately by the artist, sparked in the editor a desire to create a meeting between these two representations of strong complementary female archetypes.

On one hand, there's "Búfala," an icon of desire, strength, war, and seduction. On the other hand, there's "Senhora das plantas," a motherly figure, nurturer, connected to the earth, healing, nourishment, and roots. Both possess their expressions of creativity, driven by different impulses, equally relevant.

Here, we find a connection to archetypes from various cultures, such as the association of the buffalo figure with representations in Candomblé like the Orishas Iansã and the lady of the plants with the Orishas Oxum and Ossaim. Referencing ancient Greek mythology, we can draw parallels with figures like Artemis and Aphrodite, as well as the combination of Hera with Demeter, for instance.