Luiz Roque
S, 2017
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In S (2017), Roque coded a message in the choreography based on the manifesto, Towards a Gender Disobedient & Anti-Colonial Redistribution of Violence, by Jota Mombaça. The dancing in S,...
In S (2017), Roque coded a message in the choreography based on the manifesto, Towards a Gender Disobedient & Anti-Colonial Redistribution of Violence, by Jota Mombaça. The dancing in S, hypnotic and magnificent, conveys a violent message, which counterbalances the poetic and graceful gestures… “we will invade your houses, set your cars on fire, stone your malls and banks, swear at your police forces, curse your safety, empty your fridge and mock your illusions of ontological comfort.” Thus, the film becomes dichotomous, and the beauty becomes brutal.