Princess Pompom in The Villa of Falling Flowers Matthew Lutz-Kinoy

At the core of Matthew Lutz-Kinoy’s practice is the performance-based production of fantastic space. Deeply influenced by histories of collaborative and queer practice, his research-based performances have taken shape as multi-act dance productions, traveling dinner parties, and programmed events within his exhibitions.

Princess PomPom in the Villa of Falling Flowers presents itself as a dramatic exhaustion to the West Wing of Mendes Wood DM. The narrative of the classic piece of Japanese Literature Genji Monogatari – The Tale of Prince Genji is being introduced as a character study who’s protagonists are all equally degenderized and presented as oversized paintings. In the entrance an orgy of naively painted monkeys hang from the ceiling and present a line of costumes that is available to be worn during the viewing. Gallery visitors are invited to enter the story through texture and not through text.
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