Julien Creuzet
last time and big evening and if we say goodbye to the trauma nightmare. one last time under the headlights on the big night, the big jump, we said see you tomorrow under other skies, in the air before contact with the sea, we loved each other. (dernière , 2023
wood, acrylic paint, plastic, cotton threads, glue, wire, metal, digital printing
madeira, tinta acrílica, plástico, fios de algodão, cola, arame, metal, impressão digital
madeira, tinta acrílica, plástico, fios de algodão, cola, arame, metal, impressão digital
310 x 90 x 70 cm
122 x 35 3/8 x 27 1/2 in
122 x 35 3/8 x 27 1/2 in