Antonio Obá
Herói do fogo interior II - A façanha (Hero of internal fire II - The feat), 2020
oil on canvas
68 1/2 x 54 3/8 in
174 x 138 cm
174 x 138 cm
Nessa provável série, o artista recorre a um imaginário quase circense, onde as personagens estão envolvidas num contexto de realizar o humanamente impossível, ganhando assim atributos de heroísmo, bravura, força,...
Nessa provável série, o artista recorre a um imaginário quase circense, onde as personagens estão envolvidas num contexto de realizar o humanamente impossível, ganhando assim atributos de heroísmo, bravura, força, coragem, no intento de, metaforicamente, sublimar seu corpo numa narrativa que abrange situações sociais mais amplas, por assim dizer. Dessa forma, na pintura há uma subversão da figura de São Sebastião que, apesar do coração ferido exibe heroico a flecha que o alvejou, mas que por seu ímpeto de vida e resistência, retirou de sei próprio peito.
In this probable series, the artist access almost an circense imaginary, where the characters are involved in a context of performing the humanly impossible, gaining attributes of heroism, bravery, strength, courage, in an attempt to metaphorically sublimate their body in a narrative that embraces broader social situations, as it were. Thus, in the painting there is a subversion of San Sebastian figure who despite his wounded heart shows in a heroic way the arrow that hit him, but which due to his impetus for life and resistance, removed it from his own chest.
In this probable series, the artist access almost an circense imaginary, where the characters are involved in a context of performing the humanly impossible, gaining attributes of heroism, bravery, strength, courage, in an attempt to metaphorically sublimate their body in a narrative that embraces broader social situations, as it were. Thus, in the painting there is a subversion of San Sebastian figure who despite his wounded heart shows in a heroic way the arrow that hit him, but which due to his impetus for life and resistance, removed it from his own chest.
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